The gift that keeps on giving

Easter has come and gone and it seems as if everyone has just gone back to “normality”. What do I mean by that? We very quickly lose the wonder of the events that took place during Good Friday and resurrection Sunday.

At Easter we celebrate Jesus’ death and resurrection and for a long weekend, it seems, every Christian is focused on re-telling this amazing truth about our God who loves us so much that He came to Earth to live a life we could never live and die a death we all deserved. Not only that, but He also conquered death and rose victorious so every one of us that put our trust in Him will have eternal life. This truly is an amazing truth and a gift that keeps on giving.

It is good to stop and focus on Jesus at Easter. It is important to remember that the cost was greater than we think. The Bible tells us in Romans 6:23:

 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The punishment for sin is death and we all sinned against God. We turned away. We rejected His rule over our lives. We placed ourselves on the throne of our hearts and said “NO” to our Creator and all that He offered us. We rebelled. We deserved to be punished. Jesus on the other hand, was there at the beginning. In fact, He was there for all eternity past with God and through Him all things were created (Colossians 1:15-20). God made flesh came to live amongst us (John1:14). He lived a perfect life, without sin. In perfect obedience to the Father. He took upon himself our sins and He paid the price. “It is finished” was His cry (John 19:30). He is risen (Matthew 28:5-6).

What a gift of salvation, redemption, forgiveness, new life and a secure future. “The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” is the second part of Romans 6:23. What an amazing gift it is! It goes on forever!

You might be thinking “that is all very well – life eternal. Isn’t that something that will happen after we die? What about the here and now? What about the mess we live in this world? All the hurt, the pain, the brokenness? It all seems a bit weird. How can I be excited with this amazing gift and yet look around and see such ugliness and despair around me? ”

Eternal life starts now dear friends. Jesus said to Martha:

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26 (emphasis mine)

The moment we put our trust in Jesus we are forgiven and we receive His righteousness. We become citizens of Heaven. We are now spiritually alive and have been given life eternal through Jesus. We will never die. This gift is for today. We need to remind ourselves of this as often as possible. The security and the comfort it offers us is for now. It is wonderful to wake up every day and know that this world will be made new and that sin has been defeated. It is also good to be reminded that this is not our home. That is how we can fill joy in our hearts in the midst of our broken world.

Better still is the fact that we can share Jesus with those who are broken, the sad, the hopeless, the grieving, the sick, the lost, those who are despairing. Jesus died for them too. Having this gift that keeps on giving, should propel us to share it with the world. Jesus gives us peace and joy for today, whilst we are in this world. He gives us a new identity and a new home. We have a family of believers all over the world and we have a future. Every single day this is true. In every situation there is His hope that is given to us.

It is important that we praise God for faithful preachers that every Sunday proclaim this amazing truth from the pulpit. We need to continue to open the Bible and discover more about Jesus and feel confident that we can share Jesus with everyone. Most of the time that will be done by the way we live our lives, instead of by the words we say. How we shine Jesus’ light through the way we listen, show compassion, forgive, speak truth, obey God’s word is very powerful.

When you are dropping the kids at school or picking them up from school, stop to chat to someone in the playground. Spot the mum that stands alone or is struggling a bit with her hands full. Offer a smile and perhaps invite her for a coffee. When you are at work, listen carefully when your coworkers share their lives and show interest. Pray for them as you listen to them. Cry with those who are hurting and share in the joy of those who are celebrating victories. When you are walking the dog, stop to chat with the lonely. Learn their names. When you finish the exercise class at the gym talk about important things with people, don’t focus on body image. When you are seating in the waiting room at the surgery, offer comfort to those who are worried. In every situation remember Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving. Pray that you would have opportunities to shine His light everyday.

If you are struggling to accept this truth or feel weary and bruised (being a Christian is hard work), let me encourage you: Jesus IS the gift that keeps giving. Come to the foot of the cross and give it all to Him. Pray that He would help your heart to heal and feel joy and great love for Him. Open your Bible and read about Him. Pray through some of the Psalms and learn how to pour your heart before the Lord when life is somewhat unbearable. Jesus loves us. He gives us life. He shares in our humanity. He understands our struggles. He stands before the Father and intercedes for us. He sustains us and gives courage. He prepares our home in heaven. He is victorious. He is with us and He never forsakes us. Keep your eyes on Him.

God bless.

Photo by Olivia Bollen on Unsplash

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