About “me”

My name is Fernanda, I am a follower of Jesus, I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, a lover of books, a worship leader, a Bible teacher, an artist. I was born in Brazil. I spent most of my youth living with my parents in a town called Atibaia, only about 40 minutes from the great city of São Paulo. I have three sisters and one brother. We are all married now and are very close friends despite the distance!

In 2001 I was living in Washington state in the USA, going to Western Washington University to do a Master in Adult Education when a friend rang me with a job offer!  I moved to the UK in 2002 to work as a translator for a Financial Software Company. It was a fantastic opportunity and I worked with some amazing people from various parts of the globe. It was during that time that I met my wonderful husband Dan. We got married in 2003 in Brazil. I feel very blessed to have met Dan and for the person I have become because of his love and support.

We have two beautiful children, Joshua and Emily. We love them very much and enjoy every single minute we can with them. They bring such joy to our lives and we are so blessed to have them. We have such a great privilege to help our kids on the path of faith and discovery of who Jesus is and what He has done for them.

I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me. He paid the price I should have paid. He rescued me and brought me into His kingdom. I am not a super woman or anything special and HE knows how stubborn I am and how impatient and selfish I can be. I don’t deserve His love, but HE loved me anyway and bought me with His precious blood. It is because I know how costly it was that I want to live my life to please Him. I want to know Jesus better and make Him known to those around me.


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